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Ojo de bife con papas fritas, ensalada de rúcula, ajo y parmesano

y mini provoleta.        

Grilled rib eye steak with french fries and parmesano cheese, arugula

and garlic salad.



Ribs de cerdo en salsa barbacoa y batatas fritas. 

Pork ribs in barbecue sauce with sweet potatoes fries.



Entraña marinada con papas al verdeo y champignones con morron asado relleno.

Skirt steak braised with potatoes fries and morron stuffed with egg.



Lomo de cerdo con paprika, pimienta de cayena y azúcar negra con papas al romero y chauchas con panceta y ajo.     

Pork loin with paprika, cayenne pepper and brown sugar accompanied

with rosemary potatoes and grenn bean, garlic and bacon.



Suprema de pollo Limbo con salsa de tomate, queso pategras,  panceta y huevo a la plancha acompañada de papas fritas.

Limbo supreme chicken with tomato sauce, pategras cheese, bacon

and egg, served with French fries.



Pechuga de pollo rellena con muzzarella, tomate y puerro, envuelta en panceta con papas rejilla.

Chicken breast stuffed with muzzarella, leek and tomato wrapped with bacon, served with french fries.

Trucha grillada con manteca de ajo y ciboulette acompañada de brócoli, zanahorias y tomates cherry.      

Grilled Trout fish with garlic butter and chives, accompanied broccoli , carrots and cherry tomatoes.



Wok mixto de carne y pollo salteado con salsa de soja, vegetales, sésamo y brotes de soja.

Wok mixed meat and poultry sauteed with vegetables in soy sauce.



Bondiola grillada con salsa teriyaki, pure de manzanas y papa rosty rellena con huevo. 

Grilled pork with teriyaki sauce, applesauce and rosty potato stuffed with egg.



Penne Rigate con pesto al parmesano, tomates secos y chauchas. 

Penne Rigate with Parmesano Pesto sauce, sundried tomatoes

and green beans.



Ñoquis de rúcula, ricota y mozzarella, salteado en crema de

champignones, brócoli y tomates cherrys.    

Arugula gnocchi, ricotta and mozzarella, with cream sauce of

mushrooms and cherrys tomatoes.



Sorrentinos caseros de jamón y queso con salsa rosa al verdeo y ciboulette.

Homemade Sorrentinos stuffed with ham and cheese with

tomato and cream sauce and ciboulette.

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